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Wirtschaftsliteratur in Baden Württemberg im Antiquariat Hohmann.

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The Allocation of Economic Resources. Essays in Honor of Bernard Francis Haley.

Haley – The Allocation of Economic Resources. Essays in Honor of Bernard Francis Haley. Stanford Studies in History, Economics, and Political Science, 17. Stanford, University Press, 1959. (9), 244 S., gr.okt., Ln., Bibl.Sign., StaT.

» Moses Abramovitz: The Welfare Interpretation of Secular Trends in National Income and Product. Armen Alchian: Costs and Outputs. Kenneth J. Arrow: Toward a Theory of Price Adjustment. Paul A. Baran: Reflections on Underconsumption. Philip W. Cartwright: Unemployment Compensation and the Allocation of Resources. Hollis B. Chenery: The Interdependence of Investment Decisions. George W. Hilton: The Theory of Tax Incidence Applied to the Gains of Labor Unions. H. S. Houthakker: The Scope and Limits of Futures Trading. Charles E. Lindblom: The Handling of Norms in Policy Analysis. Melvin W. Reder: Alternative Theories of Labor’s Share. Tibor Scitovsky: Growth – Balanced or Unbalanced? E. S. Shaw: Monetary Stability in a Growing Economy. Lorie Tarshis: Factor Inputs and International Price Comparisons. «

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