Antiquariat Hohmann in Schemmerhofen, Umgebung Sigmaringen Ulm Stuttgart.

Antiquariat Hohmann in Schemmerhofen, Umgebung Sigmaringen Ulm Stuttgart.

William Maher

Die Liste enthält 1 Eintrag. Suchergebnisse löschen und Gesamtbestand anzeigen.

Gesamte Buchaufnahme
93695-1 Maher, William H.: On the Road to Riches. Hints for Clerks and Young Business Men. On Buying and Selling Goods; Business Correspondence; Selling Goods on the Road; Drumming; Duties of Clerks; Partners; etc., etc., etc. Toledo, T. J. Brown, Eager & Company, 1876. 160 S., gepr. Ln., berieben, bestoßen, wen. Anstr., Anm.aV.

„The material which forms this book, fist made its appearance in the Toledo Blade. The author never expected to see it gathered into a book. There has been no attempt at fine writing, and but one end has been in view: to make it of some use to the young men who are just entering upon a business career. … Springfield, Mass., August 1875. …“

Schlagwörter: Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Betriebswirtschaft

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